Sufism (tasawwuf) according to Al-Qushayri

Sufism (tasawwuf)….Abu l-Qasim Al-qushayri The praise of purity (safaπ) is on everybody’s tongue, while its opposite,impurity, deserves [nothing but] blame. ∏Abdallah b. Yusuf al-Isbahani informedus: ∏Abdallah b. Yahya al-Talhi informed us: al-Husayn b. Ja∏far told us: ∏Abdallahb. Nawfal told us: Abu Bakr b. ∏Ayyash told us on the authority of Ziyad b. AbiZiyad, on theContinue reading “Sufism (tasawwuf) according to Al-Qushayri”

Maqaam and haal

Maqaam Not to be confused with Maqam. Maqaam (also known as maqām) or maqaamat (plural), translating to “stations” in Arabic, is the various stages a Sufi‘s soul must attain in its search for God. The stations are derived from the most routine considerations a Sufi must deal with on a day-to-day basis and is essentially an embodiment of both mysticalContinue reading “Maqaam and haal”


Ma’rifa In Sufism, ma’rifa (Arabic: معرفة‎, romanized: ma‘rifah, lit. ‘knowledge’) describes the mystical intuitive knowledge of spiritual truth reached through ecstatic experiences, rather than revealed or rationally acquired. A seeker of ma’rifa is called ‘arif, “the one who knows”. In one of the earliest accounts of the Maqamat-l arba’in (“forty stations”) in Sufism, Sufi master Abu Said ibn Abi’l-Khayr lists ma’rifa as the 25th station: “Through all the creatures of the two worlds, and throughContinue reading “Ma’rifa”

Prominent sufis

Abdul-Qadir Gilani Geometric tiling on the underside of the dome of Hafiz Shirazi’s tomb in Shiraz Abdul-Qadir Gilani (1077–1166) was an Mesopotamian-born Hanbali jurist and prominent Sufi scholar based in Baghdad, with Persian roots. Qadiriyya was his patronym. Gilani spent his early life in Na’if, a town just East to Baghdad, also the town of his birth. There, he pursued theContinue reading “Prominent sufis”

Seeing the prophet

AllahunaWAllahuna sali a’laa seyyidina muhammad wa salim. Hoping towards seeing the prophet(pbuh) and gaining his love, it is better for the person to love the prophet(pbuh) to the highest point and to the extent of liking what the prophet(pbuh) likes even if not obligatory or compulsory act of worship, and dislike what the prophet dislikeContinue reading “Seeing the prophet”

13 Signs of a Wali (Friend of Allah). Are you one of them? Find Out

The plural of ‘Wali’ is ‘Awliya’. It is an Arabic word meaning friend. Awliya Allah, therefore, means Friends of Allah almighty. To become a friend to Allah isn’t something you just do. Allah honours certain people; some from birth and others due to their deeds. Here are some characteristics of the Awliya. #1. They loveContinue reading “13 Signs of a Wali (Friend of Allah). Are you one of them? Find Out”

Notable sufi

Sheikh Hassan Ahmad Zaruq Pakata was born in Onikanun compound Pakata area Ilorin, Kwara state in 18th August 1957 to Alhaji Ahmad Zaruq and Hajia Asmah. His father, Alhaji Ahmad Zaruq was a devoted Muslim who loved Islamic scholars and always available to serve them with his wealth and capacity.Alhaji Ahmad Zaruq was a successfulContinue reading “Notable sufi”

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